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No New Posts Plots and Characters - 1 Viewing

Post new plots, ongoing plots and character descriptions here for everyone to view.

It is not required that you do so, this board is just here for your convenience.

1 1 Write characters you make up here
by Taylor
Jul 4, 2007 22:02:56 GMT -5
No New Posts Tirilyn

A fairly large town and the home of the Crescent Moon Inn and a magical wishing well. A seemingly ordinary place where extraordinary things may happen.

5 80 The girl upstairs
by Miss Murder
Jul 5, 2007 10:29:18 GMT -5
No New Posts Salisaeren Forest

Towering trees with trunks so thick the five men together can hardly measure its girth characterize this forest. There are large spaces between each behemoth plant and many clearings are scattered about the forest. A river runs through the width of the forest, fast and deep, it flows from the mountains and is, as of yet, unnamed.

1 32 What's in the forest?
by Miss Murder
Jul 5, 2007 10:21:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Moaning Plains

Ahh, the Moaning Plains, an ominous name, no? This wide expanse of grassland is home to wandering tribesmen. It gets its name from the circle of stones in its middle which are carved to produce a grim melody which sounds like the moaning of many injured men. The sound is said to drive some mad...

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Regis Solium

The seat of kings. Regis Solium is a proud castle with many jutting turrets. This great castle has been the abode of many a valiant knight, wise king, and beautiful princess.

1 11 any1 wnt to roleplay?
by sleepinginice
Jul 19, 2007 11:45:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Rinovrin

For every good thing, there is its opposite. Rinovrin is Regis Solium's complete opposite. A place of oppression, slavery, death, and malice. Cruelty abounds here and few come to this fortress of evil of their own free will.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Anarckin Mountains

These mountains are nigh unto impassable. They soar into the sky, their snowy, craggy tips invisible on all but the clearest of days. Strange animals are said to lurk here, making travel through this place dangerous. There is but one way through the Anarckins, the Griolm Pass.

1 1 Journey Through Anarckins
by inkmistake
Jul 10, 2007 14:33:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Virial

Virial is a bustling harbor town. Merchant ships put to port here more often than not and as such the town is a virtual melting pot. People and creatures of many different kinds abound here and all are tolerated as according to the law.

Pirates and thieves can also be found here, so watch your purse lest you lose it.

1 1 any1 up 4 roleplay?
by sleepinginice
Jul 4, 2007 5:36:30 GMT -5

Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
Lush forests, wind swept plains, castles, and bustling harbor towns. These are only a few of the places where one can go in this fantasy world of knights, dragons, princesses, and thieves.

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